BrainBotics has joined forces with the University of Southern Denmark’s Biology department and Dronecenter and the companies Møn Tang and Coastgrass to ensure the utilisation of so-called beach wrack (primarily eelgrass) as a sustainable bio-resource in the future. The new project is funded by Future Food & Bioresource Innovation.
By identifying and collecting beach wrack before it decomposes or mixes with other material, the value of the bioresource can be optimized and the value chain expanded so that more companies and municipalities get involved in utilizing this bioresource.
In the project, the partners will develop a prototype of an Early-Warning System for rapid identification of biomass in water that facilitates knowledge of when, where and how much of the bio-resource is available and which will allow for quick and efficient collection of it.
The partners will also analyze the quality and purity of collected biomass to highlight the properties in the bio-resource for use in sustainable, industrial products, when it is collected fresh and not mixed with other materials.
Beach wrack accumulate in large quantities on the coast in Denmark and the rest of the Baltic Sea region by currents, waves, tides and storms. In Denmark, the largest fraction consists of eelgrass, which is often treated as waste and is most often just left to decay on the coast, which is unpleasant for citizens and tourists.
There is currently no practical solution to the problem that takes into account the value of biomass as a component in sustainable products on an industrial scale. The partners in this new project wish to change this, and this project is the beginning of this venture.