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Yet another CO2 measurement and test of the JellyFish robot

The 22nd of September the trip went to Karrebæksminde to validate the Jellyfish robot and do measurements of CO2 in the habour.

Karrebæksminde is an idyllic spot that attracts thousands of tourists in the summertime. It is an old fishing village with a few active fishermen left. 250 metres from the Inner Harbour is one a beach area

Vesterhave beach is a sandy beach about 8-10 m wide and eelgrass is found in heaps on the beach. A digger is used to remove seaweed, evident by the digger itself being parked next to the beach entrance. Only a little odor nuisance. Eelgrass spread all over the beach, with certain areas having larger piles than others. The area is considered to be prone for macro algae flushing.

The port also contain eelgrass but this depends very much on the direction of the wind, and also on the pass by industrial sand extractor ships.

We spend a few hours on collecting eelgrass and measuring CO2 in the habour and at the beach. The collection was approximate 1.2 kg on hour sailing.

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